Enrollment and Requirements
If you are interested in participating in a clinical trial as a principal investigator, please email us your CV at Principal-Investigator@michmer.com. All information will be kept confidential in compliance with health privacy laws and regulations. Following the submission of your information, you will be contacted by our staff for a detailed discussion.
Physician Requirements include:
ICH GCP Training
Human Participant Protections Education
Willingness to sign a contract
Willingness to comply and participate in the clinical trial until close-out
Previous research experience preferred
Responsibility for the safety of the subjects in a clinical trial is shared between the sponsor, the local site investigators, the various IRBs that supervise the study, and the regulatory agency for the country where the drug or device will be sold. A physician's first duty is to his/her patients, and if a physician investigator believes that the study treatment may be harming subjects in the study, the investigator can stop participating at any time. On the other hand, investigators often have a financial interest in recruiting subjects, and can act unethically in order to obtain and maintain their participation.
The investigators are responsible for conducting the study according to the study protocol, and supervising the study staff throughout the duration of the study. The investigator or his/her study staff are responsible for ensuring that potential subjects in the study understand the risks and potential benefits of participating in the study; in other words, that they (or their legally authorized representatives) give truly informed consent.
The investigators are responsible for reviewing all adverse event reports sent by the sponsor. These adverse event reports contain the opinion of both the investigator at the site where the adverse event occurred, and the sponsor, regarding the relationship of the adverse event to the study treatments. When an investigator is the sponsor, there may not be formal adverse event reports, but the study staff is responsible for informing the coordinating investigator of anything unexpected. The local investigator is also responsible for being truthful to the local IRB in all communications regarding the study.